
A $5,000 "Solution" That's Pure Snake Oil

November 19, 20240 min read

Someone's selling a $5,000 "guarantee" to keep your emails out of Gmail's Promotions tab this Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

It's hogwash, {{contact.first_name}}.

And I've been fielding a lot of questions recently about a decline in open/click rates.

I've recorded a quick video exposing this scam and sharing what Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Apple are doing that affects your emails.

Tap here or on the image below to listen.

Scott's Video Message
There are 100 ways to get email marketing wrong and just a handful of ways to get it right. My clients hire me to find the right ones for their business.

Scott A. Hartley

There are 100 ways to get email marketing wrong and just a handful of ways to get it right. My clients hire me to find the right ones for their business.

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